Hello all Bali-Brides and Grooms-to-be!
We’ve found another pressing question on wedding venues in Bali:
Our Answer:
Whether one venue is ‘better’ than the other depends very much on your personal preferences.
Here is a quick list of the pros and cons of holding your wedding in these two kinds of venues, so that you may find it easier to make a choice between the two options:
1. Private villa wedding: Pros
Intimate and private setting:
Unlike in hotels or resorts, no external parties are allowed within the compounds of the villa. This is an important consideration for couples or wedding guests who strongly dislike, or feel that the presence of onlookers may make them uncomfortable.
Holding your wedding in a private villa proves to be a convenient option, as the wedding preparation, ceremony, dinner reception and post-wedding party are all held within a single location.
Couples who wish to throw a post-wedding party after their dinner reception will be glad to know that most villas have a curfew of 11 P.M. or 12 A.M. for sound entertainment at parties held within its compounds.
These timings are usually later than the curfew imposed by most hotels and resorts.
Private villa wedding: Cons
The costs of holding your wedding in a private villa may be a bane for couples who are on a tighter budget. Apart from the costs of renting the villa (in most instances, a minimum duration of three nights is required), couples are also required to pay a function fee and banjar fee.
2. Hotel or Resort wedding: Pros
Wedding Packages:
Hotels and resorts offer wedding packages, with a wide selection of elements and wedding planning services included. This is a convenient option for busy brides and grooms who do not wish to coordinate with different wedding vendors personally.
Variety of Venues:
A good selection of hotels and resorts offer a variety of wedding venues within its compounds. You may opt to hold your ceremony in a chapel, on the beach, or in a spacious ballroom, and to have your dinner reception in another setting.
Hotel or Resort wedding: Cons
Fixed Timings for Venue Rental
The wedding venues, such as chapels, allow for individual couples to rent the location for a fixed time slot (usually about two hours). This may feel a little rushed, as the wedding couple and their guests would have to evacuate the venue in time to let the next couple hold their ceremony in the venue.
Explore more gorgeous villas in Bali here!